Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Some technical difficulties - been unable to load photos for two days, so I'll tell you about a junior doctor in pediatrics right now.  Junior doctors in Bangladesh have less formal training (nil) after medical school than a consultant (I'm considered a consultant) but may have varying amounts of real-world experience - anywhere from six months to ten years.

Hassan is a slim Bangladeshi, I'd guess around 26 yrs old though he could pass for 17.  Although his hair and clothes may occasionally seem a little unkempt as though he's been on-call all night (even when he hasn't), there's an air about him that seems content and maybe a little distracted.  He lives in a small apartment the building next to us, with a few other staff.  I believe he is married.

We've had little opportunity to interact before, given that we're on different services and it has been quite busy, but the last few days have been slower.  Sitting in the doctor's office after tea yesterday, we found ourselves across from each other and I asked him about working at LAMB as a junior doctor.  His response:

"It is a good job.  My father wants me not work here, because our family have a medical diagnostics business and run a nursing home.  He wants me to work with him, 'Why should I pay someone else to work a job you could do?' then he say, 'At least you could work somewhere where they pay more', but I think he understand now.  

"I like it here, with the poor.  I have everything I need, and I feel ... something make me ..."

"Your heart tells you?"

"Yes! my heart tells me this is a good thing to do.  I think maybe my father understand now."


  1. Blink. Swallow. His actions speak so eloquently for his heart. Lord bless him (and his father).

  2. How inspiring this is! Thank you for sharing all these adventures and stories about these amazing people--it brings a little well needed humility to this modern fast paced life out here. :)
