Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So, what's Bangladesh like?

How could I begin to answer this question?  When asked, I just shake my head and laugh.

Here are a few responses:

The bananas are marvelously flavorful.
To turn on a light, you flip the switch DOWN.
Traffic moves on the left side of the road.
Food is yellow.
Ayahs do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, and some childcare.
The lizard chirping INSIDE my room every night is a comforting sound.
There are an average of 1,000 people per square kilometer.
We think twice before spending the equivalent of one dollar.
Living in a house with 5 flats = it is pretty much NEVER quiet.
There are NO rocks in Bangladesh.
The kids pretty much come and go at will.

So, what's Bangladesh like?  It's GREAT!   : )


  1. What would big Ed do there with no rocks??

  2. Then this is the best advice--bring your AYAH back with you!!!!!! :)
