Monday, March 28, 2011

A precious gift

One of my dear ayahs came in the door with a bowl of small green leaves yesterday.  When I asked her what it was for, she replied that she had no money to buy me a birthday gift, and so putting the henna-like stain of the leaves on my hand in the traditional Bangladeshi village style (not the fancy swirls we have seen before) would be her gift to me.

The leaves were ground with a rolling pin on a rough stone slab.

She then applied the green paste to the ends of the fingers of my left hand and a big circle on my palm.  Both the ayahs did the same to their own left hands.

An hour later, when the leaf paste was washed off, their fingertips and palms were a lovely red.  Mine were a vivid ORANGE!

Apparently, even after the color fades from my skin, my fingernails will remain stained.  They assured me that it looks quite beautiful as it grows out.  I have to wonder what people in the States will think!

Dear friends and I have remarked in the past that it can be a delight to give the gift of an experience, rather than a material thing, to mark an occasion.  Our ayahs have shared their lives and culture with us and worked like crazy to keep us clothed, fed, and in a tidy home.  But this one heartfelt gesture is sealed in my heart forever as a mark of true affection.


  1. Yeah for the gift of an experience! Happy early birthday, La!

    love, co

  2. Laura, I was so sad last week when the last of the henna on my hands faded away! I have many other things to remind me of those wonderful people and our time together, but I miss looking down and seeing that particular tangible reminder of their gift.

    It started many conversations at home as well!

  3. what a wonderful gift! Happy Birthday, dear, dear Laura. sending you birthday hugs from afar. Love you!

  4. Dear Laura- your observations touch my heart- Happy Birthday! Mopsy
