Sunday, March 6, 2011

Check your boots...

This morning I slipped my foot into my shoe to head out the door, but my shoe didn't fit.

I've heard of checking your boots for scorpions in the morning, but this particular peril, I suspect, is unique to parents.


  1. Legos are painful to feet! I was just having an all out light saber fight with Finian when he declared "I want to see Will and Jack sometime." The little guy forgot y'all weren't just down the street. Looks like a light saber battle awaits the boys in Bath.

  2. These perils (of parenthood) continue into old age. No legos in my shoes these days, but my son leaves blog entries that cause twinges and stabs of joy and pride (the healthy sort) that hurt every bit as much as errant toys underfoot.
    Love reading these wonderful blog entries...
