Thursday, March 3, 2011

Not sure if you will see this photo either.    Right now, though, I'm chuckling (insert evil cackle here) because I looked down and the floor is littered with the casualties of war - mosquitoes.

If you can't see this photo, I'll briefly describe it.  Annie, looking back at you, standing in the pathway to a small house, surrounded by marigolds.  The look on her face, which can sometimes be impish, is this time simply joyful - the joy of 17 month-old independence and adventure in a flower bed.  I think that kind of joy requires the security of knowing that your parent is as near as the next breath, a heartbeat away.

LAMB is bathed in flowers this time of year.  I recognize and enjoy many of the flowers, but there are some spectacular varieties I have not met before.  The dusty tan of the paths makes the vividness of the many flowerbeds less expected and taken for granted.  This contrast sharpens your attention to the details of individuals - if it did not, you wouldn't carefully note individual petals and subtle shading of the different colors.

Those who have been here a long time assure me, that in just a few weeks, as the truly hot weather begins, the grounds will dry out and the flowers will be less in evidence.  Initially I was sad at the thought, but I think, like the contrast with the path, this ultimately makes them all the sweeter now.


  1. The look on Annie's face is pricelss. The most precious bloom in the garden. And you are a poet Dr. Herman.

  2. This picture would make a beautiful painting Annie is so beautiful. You are the most amazing,compassionate,kind Doctor I have ever met and you are a poet:-) God Bless all of you.

  3. Enjoy the flowers now if hot season is coming.

    And get ready to sit under a fan a lot. :-)

    Thankfully, little Annie's beauty won't fade with the heat! But all the seasons of life pass too. Enjoy her now too!

    I am thanking the Lord that He is using you there and that you are giving Him that joy, as well as storing up for yourselves true riches in His kingdom.

    Praying for you all today...
