Sunday, February 27, 2011


Have you ever been seasick?  At first you're fine, then something's not quite right.  You still can't pin it down, but something feels wrong in your stomach.  If you've been sick before, you recognize it now - seasickness.

I've never been homesick before in my entire life, so it took me a week to figure out what was wrong.  The morning sun outside has that beautiful hue of early summer, dappling the leaves of of the trees I can see.  But it's wrong - the dapples are the wrong size, the leaves are too big, and I catch myself thinking about snow.  I walked around thinking perhaps I had a touch of some local virus, but two days ago I woke up and realized what was wrong.  I'll be fine, but it's a new experience.



  1. Good Afternoon! Praying for you and your new experience. May you know His peace and comfort today.

  2. Ben - when I was in India (before your mom and I were married and you were born) I experienced something very similar -- the stars were in the wrong place; the sun moved differently; the moon seemed vaguely malevolent...and the physical reaction was identical to yours. Home seeps into our bones, and a sense of place is not really easy to acquire. May our Lord continue to move us closer to our real home in Him. Grateful to think you are all ok, and that His hand is evident in your time there... Dad

  3. Hey Ben and Laura!

    How are you all on this adventure? Sorry I did not realize the time of your trip was here. Hope all goes well and that this journey is just the beginning for the Herman clan.


  4. It may make your homesickness a little better to know it RAINING here in Bath. The roads look like someone poured a big gray Slushie on them, and then drove through it. If it were only a few degrees colder...

  5. We had a mixed bag as far as the weather goes 2/28. I am thinking and praying for you and your beautiful family. I know how you feel I have felt homesickness. Remember Eleanor Rossevelt: This to shall pass: there is more but I am not going to write all of it. God Bless

  6. You've put your finger right on it.
    We're homesick for all of you too.
    We're offering it up.
    But the pang will be there until you return.

  7. Dear Laura and Ben, When we were in India and got homesick we'd watch the cable TV that sometimes had american movies, or make a grilled cheese sandwich made from local american-style sliced cheese on the single electric burner stove we had, or pay tons of rupees for a box of corn flakes at the local store. Funny how familiar food eases homesickness. I longed for peanut butter! Love to all (reading your posts in reverse order- ) _ Love Aunt Mopsy
