Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gratuitous Cute Kitten

Ok.  So this is a gratuitous "cute kitten photo", right?

He and his 2 siblings were hanging out on our neighbor's stairs in the sun, trying to warm up.  They all looked soaked from the neck back, as if they'd been dunked while held by the nape.  I picked this one up thinking to move him near his sibs for body heat, but as I put him down something smelled funny - like...like...what is that smell?  Ahh - I've got it, Kerosene.

You'd be suprised at the solutions I've seen employed for common problems: there's no "frontline" here.  So if you are strange enough (here) to want a cat for a pet, how do you de-mite, de-flea and generally prevent unwanted hitchhikers coming indoors?  Kerosene, I guess.

As a follow up: thank you for praying for 'R'.  Honestly? I thought she'd not survive the night, but she has turned a corner and appears to be on the mend now.

Finally, if you wonder whether we read your comments: Yes!  They are a great encouragement, especially when we are feeling homesick.  Now, I must get some sleep.


  1. Aawwww, how cute!
    It's been wonderful following your posts on your amazing adventure. I'm glad you are all well. We're skiing at sugarloaf this week, its very cold, but the snow is great!

  2. What a cute kitten,here in Bath it was very cold this AM with wind.Brrrrr. Listened to the weather they are watching 3 storms. I follow your posts everyday. I especially enjoy the pictures of your children:-) God Bless

  3. So happy for R! And glad you can find encouragement with the comments! I read you blog first thing every morning along with the kids. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

  4. Aww please smuggle this little beastie home with you! glad R has turned the corner. I was thinking about you all today as I gave a little free concert at Mt. Sinai hospital here in NYC, and i thought about the vast difference in the facilities from what you are dealing with there... sending prayers your way, always. love to everyone!

  5. We miss you all of you! I shoveled a meter of compacted snow off the porch roof the night before we left, and believe it or not, we miss the snow, too.
