Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vangari ride!

Doesn't this look fun?  A rickshaw only holds two people, so a group like ours needs a vangari (van-GAH-ree).  Ben is sitting in front with our friend, Joanne, a Dutch woman who runs the finance side of things at LAMB and accompanied us on our first big ride to the market in Parbatipur.  I hopped on back between the boys and felt like I was a kid in Texas again, jumping into the back of my dad's pickup! : )


  1. The kids love this! They can't wait to hear all about it "I wish I could jump on" says Isaac :)

  2. Conor- you can see every stringy fiber of muscle in their legs!!!

  3. Thanks for share a good memories of Joanne Didi in Bangladesh. We really miss her... :)

