Friday, February 25, 2011


  LAMB has a small office in Dhaka for managing official business, finances, etc.  One of the staff there remarked, in passing, that he obtains work visas more often than he used to.  People used to work here very long-term (think decades), but the trend has been for long-term workers to stay shorter and shorter periods (2-5 years).  
  LAMB also hosts short-termers regularly; the same doctor who said the food "gets a bit same-y" was here in the guest house for six months.

  This swing is near the house of one of the long-term couples (with small children) we'd like to know better.  The constant flux of short-term people can be tough on the long-term staff - how do you get to know, emotionally invest in, and care for someone who will be gone in six months, much less another 5 weeks?  


  1. Ben, I hope you'll consider continuing this writing/posting when you return. Your ability to capture so much in warm yet concise ways is wonderful.

    The difficulties of transient yet profound relationship are hard on so many levels. In the military we used to say our friendships had no time for courtship. It was plunge in, cherish every moment and don't think about the upcoming painful rip of separation until it was in the rear-view mirror, otherwise it would be impossible and unbearable. We've been both the long termers and the short. I pray the Today will nourish you all.

  2. It is Friday 2/25 had ferocious snow storm. I wanted to update what is happening here. The winds are blowing tonight. My hope is to not to lose power living on the north end is not good place to be:-( God bless all of you your postings are concise in a wonderful way. Peace&Prayers

  3. Sounds like FCF in some ways! Maybe it's preparation for what's in store..... :)
