Friday, February 11, 2011

Inspiration from the kiddos...

Sorry we've been so quiet!  We are still dependent on a public computer for internet access and it is S-L-O-W (and we are still pretty pooped!).

I thought you'd enjoy a glimpse of our children's reactions to the Big Bang...

Mary, upon walking out of customs and getting her first view out the window of a hazy sky, dirty concrete buildings, and a few bushes:  "Bangladesh is soooo beautiful!!!"

Will, squeezed into the back of a tiny station wagon, sitting in noisy traffic, amazed by all the rickshaws and baby taxis: "It didn't take that long to get here!"

Annie, picked up and cuddled by no fewer than five Bangladeshi men in the bus station at 10 p.m.: smiling and obliging!

Jack, after vomiting three times on the night bus and commenting on how unsafe it was: "Actually, I like the Hoque because it's blue, and blue is my favorite color!"

We've been here about a week now, and last night Will blurted out, "WHAT is that SINGING?!?" when he heard the call to prayer.  I am still cracking up! 

More soon!  And pictures!


  1. What great stories and adorable picture. Bug turned over just fine last night. love y'all, the O'Brien's.

  2. The first thing I do in the AM is check your blog. Does curry take the itch out of mosquito bites? Hmmm Sharon

  3. God has blessed you with AMAZING children!

  4. they are the most positive, enthusiastic group of kiddos i've ever encountered!

  5. I need to learn to experience Bangladesh like a child! Or at least like YOUR children! so precious.
    Can't wait to see you there! --Jan

  6. YEEAHHH! GO GO HERMAN FAMILY. Pray hard. We want to be there in a few weeks!

  7. Your children are wonderful and fully prepared for an adventure. I believe this comes from having great parenting. God Bless all of you my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  8. Love, love, love all of you! Thinking of you constantly. It's fantastic to see it through the children's eyes too!

  9. Terrific post. Farzanah and I were laughing at the singing of the azaan. What a wonderful thing you're doing for your children. Mashallah!

  10. Hi Ben and Laura!

    We've been thinking about you all in Bath, and missing you! We sent a package your way a few days ago by UPS; it's apparently in a customs warehouse in Dakha while some paperwork comes to you in order to release it. Hope this isn't a nuisance--we didn't know there would be anything like that required. There's nothing inside but love and fun, so please don't let it become a burden. The love comes your way whatever the fate of the package!

    With love from
    Michael and Darreby, Abbie and Brian, and Jackie and Pete
