Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Kitchen

somehow this didn't get posted on 13-2-11 when I wrote it

The expatriate community here is multinational.  Though probably mostly British, as you might expect in Bangladesh, there are Danes, Canadians, Koreans, Dutch etc.  One of the short-term Brits (here for 6 months in pediatrics) was staying in the guesthouse with us, prior to our move to the Kim's flat.  We'd been discussing how much we were enjoying the food (rice with curried lentils, fish, chicken, vegetables) and she said (imagine a british accent), "Yes, but after fish one day and chicken the next, it gets a bit same-y".  We found it hard to believe.  

On the left counter is a plate with curried potatoes and egg.  We have eaten eggs and potatoes for 4 of the last 5 meals.  :-)  Good thing we like them alot!


  1. Thank you for the pictures! It's so nice to be able to have a picture of where you are. Praying all the time (especially Isaac) :) Love you guys- enjoy the eggs!

  2. Enjoyed the pictures. You are an amazing wonderful man and Doctor. I could list more but the comment would be very long. God Bless you and your family.Thinking and praying for you everyday:-)
