Monday, February 7, 2011

Have you ever had a day that seemed to last forever?  'Today' -spanning 11 time zones, 3 continents & 2 days - was so packed with new experiences that it seemed that way.  Eating a McArabia, realizing I was directly over Bahgdad, seeing the delta of the Tigris, then watching sunrise hit the the Himalayas - all within a span of 7 hours.   This morning, dodging rickshaws & goats, with ALL of us in the back of a car, we found the train - the Ekota Express - 7 hours behind schedule.  We were grateful that Akhil (the driver) and Stacy (an expat nurse of 28 yrs at LAMB) knew how everything worked.  We expect to take a bus to Parbatipur tonight and arrive tomorrow at LAMB hospital.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying praying praying! We are living this all through you wishing we were there to see, smell and see the sights! God Bless you all! We love you!
