Sunday, February 20, 2011

What's the exchange rate for tooth fairies?

JACK LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!  He has officially started to be a Big Boy.  But the questions started to arise:  Will the tooth fairy come to Bangladesh?  What will she bring?  What does she do with all those teeth, anyway?  Jack insisted on putting the envelope containing his precious tooth on top of his mosquito net, just in case the tooth fairy couldn't make it through.  In the morning he found SEVENTY taka in the envelope!  In the States, he would have received a silver dollar; here he got a dollar's worth of taka.  Their faces say it all!

In other news, Ben and I are having C O F F E E this morning for the first time since London. Ahhhh...


  1. hurrah for a tooth fairy savvy to exchange rates! :) congratulations, Jackalope!

  2. Funnest blog title (inspires many replies) award too! Yay Jack, for thinking about mosquito nets and fairy wings on the way to grown up. xo

  3. YAY Jack! you will always remember losing your first tooth- what an awesome memory! love you!

  4. Yay for coffee! I love this photo!!

  5. Farzanah says, 70 taka won't buy you a stick of bubble gum at this point...cut the kid a break!

  6. Yeah for Jack! Was it a hanging on by a loose thread type?

    And awesome coffee has found you.
