Friday, February 11, 2011

25 years old

Yesterday I sent a young man went home, most likely to die.
He had been at LAMB hospital for 3 months for a left pneumohydrothorax (air and fluid around the lung - from TB).  He had a chest tube in place for that time (we have no working suction, so simply to water seal) and was sent home three days before.  About 2 weeks before that he had developed neurological/spinal weakness in his legs.  He returned yesterday suddenly short of breath, from a pneumohydrothorax on the right this time, and had the fluid drained from around the right lung.  He was slightly better after that, though his legs still didn't work.  He probably had Pott's disease (TB of the spine) causing his leg weakness, but I can't know for sure; the family decided to take him home because he wasn't getting better

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ben. So hard. I wasn't prepared for the TB in India, I hadn't thought to ask. We love you.
