Friday, February 18, 2011

The Weather

What's fit for conversation? According to Jane Austen, "The weather and the state of the roads".
I've already made reference to the roads, so here's the weather: Two sequential thunderstorms, each with hail about 1cm in diameter, on our tin roof were a din like I've seldom heard - and nearly pitch dark outside.

 And this is about 20 minutes later:

We're following the developments in Bahrain with interest, since our tickets home are on Gulf Air, the Bahraini national airline.


  1. There is so much unrest in the mid-east and here in the U.S. as well. We just have to put all our Trust in the Lord. We all have to weather the storm. God Bless all of you. Say hello to Laura & the children. Sharon

  2. Don't you love the hot outfits, think "I dream of Geni", that the air hostesses have on Gulf? The food isn't bad though! Are you on the flight that stops twice through the Middle East, once in Europe, once in India before getting to Bangladesh? With kids? Godspeed, dear friends. The possible craziness in the Bahrain is nothing compared to that flight. Don't worry a bit about're clearly stronger than any revolution!
