Monday, December 1, 2014

Me talk good

 I have a bit of an unofficial 'clinic' going on in the parking garage.  Ever since the guards found out I am 'ekjon daktar', I get asked for medical advice about every 3-4 days.  Some friend will come by, usually with a minor dermatologic issue like athlete's foot, acne or eczema (none of which require much language) and I write out the appropriate salve, which they pick up at the pharmacy.  A tube of clotrimazole for athlete's foot runs about $0.40.

Our daily life is mostly about language, however.  Just when I feel like it it's going sooo sloooowly that I'll never be able to speak, I have a conversation like this one with our house guard (in Bangla).

Mustafa: My friend has pain here, here, here & here. (points to his knees,ankles, shins & hips). The doctor ordered extra blood tests.  Will you look at them and help? (This sounds like a rheumatologic illness - these can be a bit subtle and more difficult to diagnose.)
Me:         For difficult things, my Bangla is small.  I help try can to.
Mustafa: 'I can try to help'
Me:         Oh, thanks.  'I can try to help.'  Did I say that right?
Mustafa: Yes. At 9pm my friend will come?
Me:         No, I usually sleep by 9pm.  I'll be down at 7:30 am.
Mustafa:  With the kids for the school bus?
Me:         Yes. 
Mustafa: OK,Take care!
Me:         See you then!

Even though my grammar is moderately poor and my sentences are simple, I COMMUNICATED!
Very very encouraging.  
