Friday, December 5, 2014

A few adjustments

Here's a couple of adjustments we've been making:

* The weekend is Friday/Saturday and the work-week begins again on Sunday.

* Occasions and meals tend to run very late - both starting and ending.

Last night Laura & I had our language school's certificate recognition and pre-Christmas program.  Various students sang songs in Bangla & I was in a Christmas play (a shepherd with one line, "cholo!").  The program was supposed to start at 5 and run 2 hours 'til dinner at 7.  We arrived and the AV system and stage had not yet been assembled.  The program ultimately began at 6:30 and ran until about 9:45, when we (and our kids) ate and eventually straggled home after about 10:30.  This is par for the course and we had specific training to help us adjust our very American expectations, so we were not surprised. :)  But we were tired.

1 comment:

  1. not being able to leave and go to bed when you are exhausted much be so difficult. Praying for endurance!
