Monday, December 29, 2014

Ants in the yeast

Tk30.00 is about $0.40 - this makes 2 loaves
As a family with four growing kids, we go through about a loaf of bread a day.  So we blasted through the little bit of yeast we brought with us and are now trying out local and imported brands to see which works best.  The best live yeast seems to be this local brand, but it came with a bonus feature: ants!  There were dead ants in it when we opened it - easily picked out.  It reminded me of a story one of our friends told of living here:

  He was being visited by someone from the US who purchased a sleeve of crackers.  Upon opening the sleeve he found ants!  He took it back to the shop where he purchased the crackers and spoke to the shopkeeper: 

Indignant "There are ANTS in these crackers!"

Puzzled    "Of course there are, there are ants in all the crackers!"

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