Saturday, November 29, 2014

International Team

Sitting politely - for 0.004 seconds
Our company is an international one - I think we're the only American couple currently in Dhaka.  Today three couples from the company got together for a social afternoon meal: a British couple, an African couple and us.  It was a delightful time and the food was savory, but one of the highlights for me was the tangle of children.  Imagine side-by-side various gangling boys running through an apartment, sitting playing chess, Mary reading (of course), two tiny British voices saying, "Mummy, may I have a gloss of woter?" and Anne balancing a tray of plastic teacups on her head.

What it was like the rest of the time


  1. My favorite. Happy tangle of kiddos! Glad you are all building some friendships there. xo

  2. Love seeing the kids making new friends. We love that you are making new friends as well. Our arms around you all.
