Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wild Animals

We live in an urban environment.  On a daily basis our eyes are primarily on where to step, how to avoid being hit by  bus, CNG or rickshaw, but every now and then we look up or pause and notice what's around us.

Within the last week here are a few of the things we've seen.  As a disclosure - I did NOT take these photos.  It would be challenging to snap photos while dodging traffic!  However, these are exactly what we saw.
Brahminy Kite

Lesser Goldenback

Small Asian Mongoose
We've see multiple mongooses - they live beside Lake Banani.  Makes me smile and think of Riki Tiki Tavi.


  1. I love that you are still nature watchers, even in the city. So exciting to discover what the other side of the world has to offer in flora and fauna.
    That "kite" looks like the asian version of the bald eagle. Thanks for sharing. Love you and miss you all, - Oma (and Opa)

  2. I miss u all soooooooooo much!! Wish you were here! Can't wait to skype you tomorrow!! Love u All!
    Hey Will: Junoo5ae!
