Monday, November 3, 2014

Banana Coke

In Bangla, each spoken vowel 'belongs' to the consonant before it - i.e. this is Ko-Ka _ Ko-La.
But in the script, the vowel can follow, precede, be under or even bracket its consonant. In this case the 'O' vowel has an ে before and an া after the consonant ক (k), making েকা (ko).  Can you see the great swooping curve they made of the ে in each word?
Pretty clever use of grammatically correct Bangla to make a recognizable logo.  Maybe I'm just punchy, but it's also funny because because Kola means Banana, so I see this and think, "Banana-Coke!".


  1. Happy birthday Ben!!! Hope you enjoyed it at LAMB!!! we love and miss you! Love the McGraths

  2. Yuk to banana coke, but it makes me miss your wonderful chapel lessons. Happy belated, Ben. It sounds like the kids are adjusting and I praise God for that!
