Football Pitch |
We have been away for a conference up at the hospital the past few days and have just returned to Dhaka. It was a tiring weekend but a very good one; wonderful to see people we knew before and to meet new ones.
I confess I have harbored a fear for my children. We took them out of school in the States and dropped them in Dhaka, where, truth be told, they do seem to be thriving. But we plan to take them out of Dhaka after this school year again and plunk them in yet another school at the hospital where we will be working. I worried for their social situation. It appears I needn't have worried.
This weekend the boys played football (US: soccer) nearly every minute they were conscious and so made immediate connection with boys up there. Mary came home and said, "I made five friends on the playground!" And Anne? we never worry for Anne in that way. The children returned exhausted but happy and confident, so I did as well.