Friday, August 21, 2015


Doing the dishes by braille

In Dhaka the power would go irregularly (often with the distant 'kaboom' of an overloaded exploding transformer) -it varied, but seemed to go in fits and spurts; sometimes a month would go by without an outage.

Here in Parbatipur it's a daily occurrence - actually multiple times each day.  The hospital has 3 large diesel generators that start automatically.  However, they take a few minutes to spool up so when the power goes, it's about 3 minutes before it comes back on.  We try to take it stride.

Actually, we try really hard to take it in stride.  Especially when around other people.  If the power goes in the middle of a sentence, or in the middle of raising a bite of food to my mouth, and despite the internal 'jump' I feel, there's no outward sign....if the sentence finishes without a hiccup, or if the bite travels to mouth without the slightest pause, then inside I go, "Woohoo!  I'm so cool!  I totally look like I'm an old hand at this stuff!  I'm so hip I don't even flinch when the power goes out! Yeah!".

Yes, I really am that grown-up.

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