Saturday, June 20, 2015

Our regular column: overheard in the Herman household

Special correspondent AE - Reuters

Traffic in South Asia is loud.  Horns are used to express displeasure, yes, but more often just to say, "I'm here, look out" or, "On your left!" or, "I weigh 8 tons and am traveling faster than the condition of my brakes warrants so would you do me the courtesy of sliding a little to your left?"  One way we as a family cope with it is just pretending that every time somebody honks they're saying, "Hi!".  The older kids have really gotten into the spirit of it and think it's funny.  The youngest knows it's a joke but can simultaneously believe it.

Traffic:  Beeeeeyyyoooooouuuuuuuu.   BEEEEEEEP.   Reh.   Moooooooop.
AE: Wow.  People must really like us a lot because they're always saying, "Hi!"

And heading out the door,  a little late, she was delayed hugging her ballerina elephant:

Laura: Come on, AE!
AE: I was just hugging Heart.  Oh - for heaven's sake - who wouldn't love an elephant named Heart?

Hey, brother! I really like you a lot!


  1. I even heard horns honking outside your apt when we skyped with you this morning(your evening) at Lamb- apparently you have noisy traffic there too.

    1. There's slightly more than usual traffic right now outside our flat because of a nearby closed road, but it's nothing like Dhaka.
