Wednesday, April 15, 2015

শুভ নববর্ষ !

এসো হে বৈসাক !
It was Bengali New Year two days ago: the year 1422.  Traditional garb is red and white so we dressed up and went to Lake Park to join in the festivities.  These two young ladies accompanied us.

I wasn't too surprised when a couple of strangers wanted to snap photos of them.
M & A were good sports about it and enjoyed it at first.
But pretty soon it became evident that we were a bit of a spectacle.
After a while...   Phew.      
I don't think we'll do that again anytime soon.  :)


  1. You all look fantastic! (and I can't believe how tall Will is!)

  2. love the photos of the girls in traditional garb. And the one of the weird spider. Did you find out if they bite?

    1. no. Couldn't identify the precise species, but while we've had spider bites here, none have bothered us very much.

  3. No spider bites but lots of paparazzi bites... The girls look just a tad too much like Hindu goddesses
