Friday, April 3, 2015

A few things I have learned so far

1. No matter the trash around you, you can find beauty virtually anywhere.  Often by looking up.

2. Mosquitoes can become invisible at will.

3. Just because you understand each word individually does not mean you understand what someone is saying.

4. Even if you understand what someone is saying,  you do not necessarily understand what they mean by it or why they are saying it.

5. Mosquitoes are evil.

6. I, until now, didn't really know what 'hot' meant.  And apparently I still don't, yet.

7. Social cues and expectations are different in different places.  This I am learning by experience.

8. "Experience is that thing that you get immediately after you need it."

9. When contemplating infinity, if you take something away, even a large number, there's still infinity more left over.  This applies to mosquitoes.

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