Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Front Stoop

These are two of our guards who take wonderful care of us.  Mustafa (in the hat) is 58 and Mohammed (in the lungi) is 26.  They have played a large role in teaching me Bangla, providing me with daily conversation that has had a marked effect on my speech.  My teachers don't entirely approve of the accent I'm developing (a shade too low-brow for their taste), but I love sitting and chatting with them as I wait for the school bus.

Mohammed is an example of a fairly typical family situation.  His bari (home) is quite far away - "in the village" they say here.  There he has a wife and a 5 month old daughter.  However, there's little or no work there, so he works in Dhaka, earning about $78 a month to support the family.  He gets 4-6 days off every 2 months or so to go visit his family.   The rest of the time he works here.

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