Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pair o' ducks

Which duck is the yay duck, do you think?
Thanks to our friends Tim & Christa, we planned to attend a training program in CO.  Then we found out it was already mandatory with our company!

Our training told us that living overseas is like a pair o' ducks (paradox) - some days are a 'yay duck', some are a 'yuck duck' and, paradoxically, some can be both.

They also taught us that the distance between expectations and reality is like a rubber band: the further apart the two ends of the rubber band are pulled, the sharper the 'twang' when you snap it (and boy can a  rubber band smart!).  The solution, of course, is to alter expectations.

1 comment:

  1. A rubber band is a great tool for understanding that pair of ducks.
