Monday, October 27, 2014


Looking at each other 
We have a few days before formal language school begins, yet.  Though I have been studying and we're still outfitting the apartment (it takes a couple of hours just to go purchase the simplest items), today there was an hour when I was not doing anything.  I felt a little uncomfortable - good grief, I should be doing something!

Where does our sense of identity and value come from?  I suspect there are a variety of very common sources.  Do you draw a sense of value from what you accomplish each day or from your job? I think these two are quite common.  Do you find your identity in what others think of you?  How you look?  In some group membership? What happens when any of these falter?

Annie (5) and I had this interaction today:

"Annie, do you know why I love you?"
"Ummm... because I did my work and my teacher was happy?"
"No, though I'm glad you did"
"Because I'm kind and tell the truth?" Oh, it was very tempting to say 'yes'!
"No, though those are good things."
"Because I hug you?"
"Oh, I like hugs! but no, I love you because you are my daughter."

As a very young child you know you have intrinsic value, that you are loved unconditionally by your parent.


  1. we love you too….. not because you are such amazingly generous, kind, intelligent, thoughtful, loving people, you are….but because you are our son and daughter.

  2. L O V E you
    loved the picture of Mary and the kitty exchanging glances and the "TO LET" sign
    The dialogue with Ms. Ann-with-an-e is wonderful (and telling...)...

  3. La- thanks for the great reminder! it is so true how we are conditioned to think accomplishments are love-- Thankfully our Father does not have this same mentality:)
