Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Kitten Shot #2

This youngster spent the day with me in clinic.  The cat that looked at me a few weeks ago from the exam table and said. "What? This is my bed!" is a mother and left her kitten with me so she could get  a few things done.

She used to deliver her litters in a cabinet in the women's operating theatre locker room, until she was evicted.  Then she was in the maternity ward for a while (quite appropriate) and now my clinic is daycare.  It's a tough life as a single working mother.

One of the housekeeping staff recently listed her work duties:

Linen maintenance and washing
Floor mopping
trash removal
table cleaning
cat removal.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have some useful company in the clinic! Kittens are excellent for stress-reduction in doctors raised by cats. :D
