Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This is a post I planned from some time ago that I'm just getting around to.


Technically, within the city limits, there are 7 million people, but in the greater metropolitan area there are over 15 million, and it's growing at about 4% per year (0.6 million/year).  It's nearly impossible for the infrastructure to keep up.

Traffic congestion is worsening, with a growing middle class who want cars, scooters and motorcycles.  There are about a 1/2 million bicycle rickshaws that ply the streets every day.  Any time I think about how nice it would be to have our own way to get around, I think about driving in traffic where traffic laws are a suggestion and there are no traffic lights.

With this many people in one place, clean water is a major issue - the water table is steadily dropping by about 6 - 9 feet each year.  The nearest groundwater is now almost 200' down, and has dropped to there from 30' over the last 40 years.

Human waste disposal is a problem of enormous proportions.  Handled in a variety of ways, the primary way near us is a series of sewers mostly under the sidewalks that drain directly into lake Banani.

This many people is one place creates a pressure on the mind that is extraordinary.  Every square foot of land is being purchased and an apartment building built on it. density of humanity.
 It presses in on you, and threatens to overwhelm you, well, at least if you're an introvert like me.  Actually, I think even the most inveterate extrovert might might feel the press faced with this


  1. We're having trouble getting the comment to publish...

  2. Finally, with the help of your beautiful wife, I am able to respond to you

  3. She is frighteningly competent.
