Monday, June 17, 2013

Tropical disease course

This is TB (the little red rods)

I arrived somewhat sleep deprived (15 hrs in the last 3 days) just before midnight last night in Baltimore to a bear hug from my friend Andy.  Despite knowing only that my course in tropical medicine began at 8:30am, but not where, exactly, I did make it there in time for the first lecture. Turns out out they had my email address wrong, but also that they didn't inform everyone who's address they had correct until 4 days ago.  Almost feels like Bangladesh already :-D

This week is TB and HIV: today covered several things including multi-drug resistance, socioeconomic effects, prophylaxis, testing, public health approaches etc.  I was riveted.  I just might be in the right profession.


  1. Ben: The Lajoies are thinking of you, and we know you're in the right profession.

    We plan to follow your work and the adventures of your family ...

    Chris and Shannon

    1. Think y'all are great, and my goodness, such unbelievably beautiful children!

  2. Hi, Thinking of you and your family. God be with you. Safe trip my dear friend :)

  3. Dr. Ben, We just viewed a segment about the ship "Africa Mercy" on 60 minutes; and it made us think of you. We hope you are doing well! We miss you; but we respect the "Dr. Ben & family mission," and we would like to contribute to help you realize your dream. Send news, and let us know how we can contribute. Roger & Gaye, your old Westport Island patients and former SDPD reps

    1. Hey y'all!
      Email me directly: bscottherman at gmail dot com
      wonderful to hear from you.

