Monday, September 16, 2013

Grade B movie

In my office in the States, I occasionally had the privilege of conversations outside of the norm of "What's your blood pressure?" or "Where's the pain?".

Once, TC, one of my perpetually cheerful & funny patients (this is his T-shirt) seemed a bit subdued.  I asked him what was on his mind, and he responded, "I saw a grade B
movie last night and one of scenes disturbed me."

"What was it about?"

"Well, I doubt it would bother anybody else: it was just a throw-away line, but it hit me square between the eyes.  I'm having trouble shaking the feeling; you'll probably think I'm nuts."

"I doubt that"

"Well, one actor turned to the other and said, 'Are you living just to live?' and almost immediately I asked myself the same question.  You probably think I'm crazy to be hung-up on that."

"Not at all.  I can't think of a more important question."

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