Saturday, February 22, 2014

Another edition of our regular column "Overheard in our family"

Episode 2:  
On the way to Sunday School.  (AE is 4, MK is 6.)

AE: "When will ALL the schools end?"

MK: "At the end of the world"

AE: doubtfully "That's a long time in school..."

MK: "Yeah, it is. You'll learn lot."
MK: singing "I'm a frog...on a pony...I'm a frog...on a pony...." etc.
The rest of the song is pretty standard fare: a protracted narrative about the frog and a pony going to our Sunday meeting.  The frog may not have had much choice - apparently he was stuck to the pony's nose.  We heard rumors that the frog was a dark jedi.


Episode 3:

"Daddy, It shouldn't be 'Scaredy cat'; it should be 'Scaredy cow', don't you think?"

A lego wedding "This is the bridesmaid.  Here's the bride waiting for the groom....              AAAAARRAAARRRRAAARGH......I'm a zombie!  I'm attacking the bridesmaid!"

"Jack, please don't rub your toast in your hair."

"Mommy & Daaaddy are 'diculous....Mommy & Daddddddy are 'diculous...." meant as a compliment.  Sung while surfing around the kitchen on a dustpan.

We are fully funded.  Thank you, all!
In addition, there are several interested parties looking at our house right now.
You know what we need!